ANTCOLD Antcold Tablet is a blended medication prescribed for alleviating commoncold symptoms. It proves effective in relieving allergy-related indications, including runnynose, stuffy nose, sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion or stuffiness

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AYURTHULASI Ocimum sanctum, commonly known as Holy basil , finds its application in treatingcough, acting as an expectorant and antipyretic. It also exhibits antimicrobialproperties. On the other hand, Adhatoda vasica, also known as Vasaka, is utilized forirritable cough, serving as an expectorant and broncho-dilator

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CYPRODIN SYRUP Cyprodin oral syrup serves the purpose of addressing diminished appetite inchildren enduring prolonged illness or malnutrition. Additionally, it proves effective inalleviating various skin allergies among children by mitigating skin inflammation. This syrupcomprises a combination of two drugs, namely cyproheptadine and tricholine.

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UNIZ SYRUP Uniz syrup is a medication commonly employed for diagnosing or treating agerelated vision loss, AIDS, and acne. However, it’s essential to be aware of potential sideeffects, which may include allergic reactions, allergic sensitization, abdominal cramps, andfurther allergic responses.

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